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Cristiano Signorino - Hybrid souls and writing

Hybrid souls}

Hybrid souls. The revelation

The origin

Although Hybrid souls. The revelation is not the first novel I wrote (the first one has been Frammenti. Cronache dal regno divino). Of course, it has been the novel where I put more feelings and dedication.
I've started to write The revelation in 2004 but the novel has been published four years later, “thanks” to Gruppo Albatros. Il filo editor.
Although this publication allowed to me to meet many other authors and fans of dark fantasy novels, I can't say it has been a good choice. This has been the reason why, at the end of the contract with this editor, I've chosen tu publish The revelation (and the second volume Anime impure. L'asilo delle ombre) as self-published ebook. Until today, just the first one has been translated in English by a professional translator, Isabella Cultrera.

What's is Hybrid souls. The revelation?

The revelation is a dark urban fantasy novel. The characters live and die in a metropolitan and, at the same time, fantastic setting. Enchantments, shadows and supernatural creatures walk alongside the humans and no one of these meet their existence. Probably the synopsis of the book is more clear and suggestive:
The shadows celebrated, quietly, the encounter between the girl and Gabriel. Some flickered with delight, others shivered with happiness. Human eyes observed that obscure dance without really paying attention to it. Few of them really understood what was going on and not everyone was happy about it.

Book's details

  • Format: Kindle ebook
  • Size: 431Kb
  • Pages: 224 (about)
  • Price: 2$.
  • Available on

I contenuti di questa pagina sono di proprietà di Cristiano Signorino